Kul Farah petroglyphs: a precious heritage of Elamites
The collection of Kulfarah petroglyphs in Izeh region of Khuzestan province displays a treasure of history and art. These Elamite reliefs, which date back to about 2700 years ago, have great historical and artistic value.
Historical significance:
The petroglyphs of Kol Farah provide a clear view of the history, culture and civilization of the Elamites. The images carved on these petroglyphs provide archaeologists and historians with valuable information about the clothes, tools, customs and social structure of the Elamites. Studying these petroglyphs helps to better understand one of the most important ancient civilizations of Iran.
Artistic significance:
The skill and elegance used in the carving of Kol Farah petroglyphs shows the artistic taste of Elamite artists. The composition of these petroglyphs is also very beautiful and eye-catching. The use of natural and religious elements in these petroglyphs has doubled their artistic value.
Kolfarah ancient site:
In addition to petroglyphs, the ancient site of Kul Farah also has other ancient works such as a cemetery, water channels, and building remains. Archaeological excavations in this site have yielded valuable information about the daily life and architecture of the Elamites. Kolfarah ancient site is a suitable place for studying and researching the history and culture of the Elamites.
An attraction for tourists:
In addition to the historical and artistic importance, Kul Farah petroglyphs are also very attractive from the point of view of tourism. The beautiful natural environment and the spiritual atmosphere of this ancient site have made it one of the popular tourist attractions in Khuzestan province. Every year, many tourists from all over Iran and the world visit these petroglyphs.